Easy Installation: Please measure the drawer size in advance, as long as the length of one side of the drawer meets 16 to 22inch, you can use this drawer divider. Once you receive the drawer divider, remove the clips and place it in the drawer, no other installation operation is required.
Multi-Purpose Drawer Dividers: Drawer dividers keep drawer space tidy, store and organize everyday items, underwear, leggings, knives, forks and spoons, tools, socks, stationery, bottles and cans, data cables, accessories, etc. Make each item have its own small area instead of cluttering up the large drawer.
High Quality Wood: The drawer boards are made of high quality organic bamboo with reinforced springs inside to hold them in place even when compressed by an inch and will not shift due to unintentional bumps. Made from natural and safe materials, the drawer boards will stay with you for a long time and provide you with a neat and tidy space.
Non-Slip Pads: All drawer dividers have non-slip pads on both ends to protect your drawers from scratches on the drawer contact surfaces. The drawer panels will not be shifted due to light touch when you touch them while placing items again.
Specifications for Drawer Dividers: The package includes 4 drawer boards and 4 small dividers. Measurements: 2.5 inches high, 0.6 inches wide, and adjustable from 16 to 22 inches long. The small divider measures 0.6 x 2.5 x 4 inches. Transform your drawers with our professional drawer dividers.